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Applications are now LIVE for all Student Senate positions! Questions about applications, positions, or the Senate at large can be sent to!


Applications and Materials Due: 9/16 @ 5:00 PM

Senate Candidate Meeting: 9/16 @ 7:00 PM

Campaigning Begins: 9/17

Elections: 9/24 - 9/26

 Senate Candidates: 

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Carson Macynski 28

Curriculum Senator

Three Words About Me:

Kind, Critical Thinker

Why Am I Running?

I believe academics are crucial to the success of students and I believe it is important to concentrate on classes enough to be successful while also having time to have fun and care for themselves.

I also would be open to student suggestions regarding changing or introducing new ways to provide help for students who come across struggles within select classes.

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Hannah Nicklay 28

First-year Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Reliable, Empathetic, Enthusiastic.

Why Am I Running?

I’m applying for the First-Year Class Representative Senator position because I’m passionate about making a difference for my fellow class of 2028 students as we all navigate this new chapter of our lives. College is an exciting but challenging experience, and I believe having someone who you can look to for support that is also in the same boat as you is something that can help take some pressure off. I want to be that person who listens to our class’s concerns, ideas, and suggestions and makes sure they’re heard and acted upon.

One of the main reasons I’m interested in this role is that it gives me the chance to be a voice for our class. Transitioning to college life comes with a lot of adjustments, and I know that having someone to advocate for our needs can make a huge difference. Whether it’s pushing for better academic support, improving access to mental health resources, or addressing campus safety concerns, I’m committed to representing our class’s interests and working toward solutions that benefit everyone.

I’m also excited about the opportunity to help build a sense of community among first-year students. College is a place where we’re all trying to find our footing, and I believe that organizing events and activities that bring us together can make this experience more enjoyable and less overwhelming. Whether it’s social events, study sessions, or service projects, I want to help create opportunities for us to connect, support one another, and build lasting friendships.

Another reason I’m motivated to take on this role is that I want to give back to the community that’s already started to feel like home. Being a First-Year Class Representative Senator would allow me to contribute to making our campus a more inclusive, supportive, and dynamic place. I’m committed to doing this with integrity, fairness, and respect, and I believe these values will guide me in representing our class effectively.

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Kira Maeda 28

First-year Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Hard working, Kind, Dedicated.

Why Am I Running?

I am interested in this position because I want to be a voice for my community. I want to expand privacy rights for classmates, as well as make things more accessible.

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Declan Mears 27

Gender and Sexuality Senator

Three Words About Me:

Kind, Thoughtful, Quirky

Why Am I Running?

I want to continue leading an organization I introduced to SGA last year, which is C.A.S.E. or Communal Advocacy for Sexual Expression. With this, I hope to continue to bring about significant advocacy efforts for queer people including those with "a-typical" gender expressions, and sexual expressions. I've previously worked closely with the Taylor and Wellness centers as well as other organizations on campus such as QOI to host events and if re-elected I would continue these efforts and expand on them allowing for further collaboration to happen and even better events. Also, I would just like to continue being apart of senate and bringing general policy changes and events to campus. I have a passion for serving this community and if anyone has any general questions or recommendations for policies and events, please email me at

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Andrew Baker 26

Junior Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Empathetic, Hardworking, Focused

Why Am I Running?

During the '23-'24 school year, I was privileged to be elected by the class of 2026 as a class year senator. During my time on Student Senate, I developed the skills needed to succeed in that role. These include navigating the SGA rules and bylaws, collaborating with my fellow senators, and delivering solutions to the needs of my peers. It is this experience I hope to bring back to Senate to continue improving the student experience at St. Olaf.

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Zack Novak 25

Senior Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Motivated, Silly, and Passionate

Why Am I Running?

As I approach my senior year on campus, I've found myself involved in various organizations and roles, from org leadership to the Honor Council to volunteer work. I enjoy making a difference, and I've found that when working on behalf of others, it makes the work I do so much more fulfilling. I am both qualified and motivated for this position, and I want to spend my last year helping make this institution better for the students that will follow! When it comes to policies I'm looking to address in the Senate, I want to help some of the smaller departments on campus who don't have as much funding or resources receive help and assistance with their programs.

If you're interested in helping others, then I'm sure our interests align, and I'm positive I would be a voice for your voice in the SGA.

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Alex Torstenson 27

Disability and Access Senator

Three Words About Me:

Vibrant, Affable, Reliable

Why Am I Running?

I am interested in the opportunity to serve as the Disability and Access Senator because I believe the accommodations and support I receive through DAC and TRIO SSSD have enabled my success as a student and instilled in me a desire to help ensure that other students receive the same support and opportunities to thrive.

As someone with accommodations through DAC, I understand (some of) the unique challenges that students with disabilities can face in an educational setting. From navigating classroom environments to ensuring that accommodations are correctly implemented, students with disabilities often encounter barriers that can hinder their learning experience. My experiences have made me passionate about advocating for policies and practices that improve accessibility and remove barriers for all students, regardless of their abilities.

My role as a TRIO SSSD Orientation Leader and Peer Leader for this academic year has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. It has allowed me to engage directly with students who, like me, benefit from these vital support systems. As a leader within TRIO SSSD, I have the privilege of guiding new students through the orientation process, helping them navigate the resources available, and providing peer mentorship throughout the academic year. This position has not only strengthened my leadership skills but also deepened my understanding of the needs of students with disabilities and reinforced my commitment to fostering an inclusive campus environment.

Before college, I was involved in my school's leadership institute as a Diversity and Inclusion representative and intern in high school. In this role, I collaborated with my team to organize school-wide activities and assemblies to foster awareness and acceptance of different religions, ethnicities, disabilities, and orientations.

As the Disability and Access Senator, I would bring a combination of personal experience, leadership skills, and a deep commitment to ensuring every student has access to the resources they need to succeed. I aim to serve as a bridge between the student body and the administration, advocating for policies that enhance accessibility and promote inclusivity. I am particularly passionate about ensuring that students know the resources available to them, and I would work to raise awareness and improve communication regarding DAC and TRIO SSSD services.

My experiences and desire to contribute to creating a campus that values and supports all students are what motivate me. Serving as the Disability and Access Senator would not just be a role for me, but a platform to continue advocating for equitable access to education and bring my voice and passion to this position.

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Emma Howard 28

First-year Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Outgoing, Passionate, Organizer

Why Am I Running?

My name is Emma Howard and I am so excited to be one of 860 first-year students on The Hill! All 860 of us are currently navigating a major transition in our lives. As a student who has attended five (now six!) schools and has taken a gap year, I know what it means to experience change. What is more relevant as a Class of 2028 Representative candidate, however, is that I know how to find the best in change. I am a proud Northfield High School alumnus, but only became a “Raider” when I transferred to NHS at the start of my senior year. Without hesitation, I was welcomed as a fellow student by my peers and as a member of the Northfield community as a whole. The inherent and historically honored values of kindness, curiosity, and universal acceptance that I encountered in this town both surprised and inspired me. Upon my graduation from NHS, I wondered if these town values were unique to those raised in Northfield, or instead found in all who come to call it home. This question has lingered with me and has served as a guiding pillar for what I want a collegiate foundation to be for myself and others. These Northfield values that I have become so proud of are the reason that I am running for The St. Olaf Senate. As a Class Representative candidate, my goal and promise is to ensure that all first-year students, whether transfer, international, local or from another state, etc. find their place not only on campus, but in Northfield. Wherever you come from and wherever you may go, I will advocate for you without question, just as the Northfield community did for me. This means that your interests, worries, ambitions, concerns, and questions will be heard; they will be heard by someone whose experiences as a first-year will be parallel to yours. Naturally, our paths and passions will diverge as we grow. Yet there is a constant: in 2028, our class will be gathered as one to celebrate and reflect. We are a single body of kind and driven global citizens, regardless of our differences. Thus as a Class Representative candidate, I strive to maintain and foster this unity amongst us. Because at the end of the day, we are all endeavoring to thrive amidst one of the biggest changes in our lives. Change notoriously comes with attachments: fear, anxiety, confusion, anticipation, and everything in between. Though just like all first-years who made the choice to embrace change and join the class of 2028, I made it through the obstacles it brings. More importantly, however, I was able to experience the unforgettable joys that supported transition so often catalyzes. With your support, I would be honored to do all that I can to enable you to do the same. If you have any questions about my goals, ideas, or background, I can be reached through email at Thank you!

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Sadé Brooks-Robinson 28

First-year Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Dedicated, Empathetic, Collaborative

Why Am I Running?

As a proud member of the St. Olaf community, I have witnessed firsthand the beauty and acceptance that define our campus, which is a key component of why I chose to attend St. Olaf. It’s a place where diverse perspectives and a spirit of inclusivity allow every student to thrive. I am running for the position of class of 2028 representative because I want to help strengthen that environment and ensure it continues to flourish throughout the year.

I am deeply passionate about the role of student senate and the opportunity it provides to make a positive impact on both my class and St. Olaf as a whole. Through this leadership position, I hope to contribute to the continued success of our community by representing the voices, concerns, and aspirations of the class of 2028 while working diligently with the other elected representatives of our class. I see this as a way to give back to the community that has already welcomed me so warmly and to ensure that every student feels seen and heard.

As a representative of the class of 2028, I promise to work hard to help create an academic year filled with growth, achievement, and unforgettable experiences. Whether it’s advocating for student needs, encouraging connections across campus, or promoting inclusivity, I am committed to making St. Olaf an even better place for all of us. If elected for this position, I look forward to the opportunity to contribute positively to this community, ensuring its prosperity, and making YOUR voices heard.

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Harry Pratt 28

Gender and Sexuality Senator

Three Words About Me:

Energetic, enthusiastic, loyal

Why Am I Running?

As a gay man from Eastern Washington, I understand what it is like to be underrepresented and underappreciated because of my sexuality, and I want that to end. I want people to feel heard, seen, and represented regardless of their sexuality or gender. Being gay, trans, bi, or any other member of the LGBTQ community can be incredibly lonely, and I am committed to making people feel connected. I also come from a background of music and musical theatre, and I advocate for LGBTQ students that are pursuing those fields as well.

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Karen Henriquez Fajardo 26

Multicultural Student Senator

Three Words About Me:

Ambitious, Empowering, Disciplined

Why Am I Running?

I am running for the position of the Multicultural Student Senator of SGA because, as a junior at St. Olaf and Salvadoreña from rural Iowa, I understand the importance of having a strong and dedicated voice for students who are too often overlooked. My experience on this campus and previous role as the Multicultural Student Senator have expanded my network to identify the best contacts–whether it’s fellow senators, executive members of SGA, staff and faculty, or members of the President Leadership Team–to solve issues on campus that are disproportionately affecting students of color. Advocacy is my passion and practice, and I am confident my skills will actively contribute to the conversation.

As the Chair of the Multicultural Subcommittee for the 2023-2024 school year, I had the privilege of creating effective and sustainable additions to our campus community for multicultural students, including the first annual Global Gala, which was a dance I co-led that celebrated multiculturalism through music, food, and dance. I held a coffee hour, too, to help me gather feedback from my constituents as it is vital to stay connected to those who have elected me. My most notable accomplishment is the establishment of the La Francis Rodgers Rose Gallery, which honors St. Olaf’s first Black faculty member while also uplifting multicultural student-artists on campus. The gallery stands between the Office of Student Activities and the Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion–spaces that hold meaningful impact for students of color on campus. I am incredibly proud of the initiatives I led and will continue creating spaces for multicultural students.

This semester, I aim to partner with my fellow senators to strengthen St. Olaf’s connection with BIPOC alumni to gain valuable insight into how St. Olaf College can continue improving on creating safe spaces for multicultural students on campus. I would also like to start a conversation about expanding our student/athletic recruitment efforts to create an inviting environment for prospective multicultural students who are hoping to further their academic and athletic career at St. Olaf.

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Dania Elshafie 27

Sophomore Class Representative

Three Words About Me:

Enthusiastic, hard-working, well-rounded

Why Am I Running?

As a sophomore class representative, I will commit to the needs and concerns of my peers and serve as a trustworthy, responsible, and committed voice, as I have once done as a first-year representative. I would represent my areas of interest, such as mental health and upgrading student life dynamics, which are prevalent in my class year. I aspire to be a leader through action and use what I learned as a First-year representative to create a valuable communication channel between the student body and SGA where they feel included when addressing campus-wide and year-dependent issues. My clear and focused plans aim to foster a more inclusive and participatory environment. Moreover, this position is exciting because I can continue dedicating my time to something critical to the flourishment and improvement of the sophomore cohort, as well as my personal growth and character. This influential position will continue to provide perspective and understanding of the many intricacies of sustaining a healthy mental, social, and physical environment for my peers so that I can catalyze their advancements. I plan to dedicate my time to leadership and acting as an embodiment of the year group's needs alongside my elected sophomore class co-representative since we could engage with our peers extensively. Through senate meetings and meetings with the sophomore class dean, I hope to normalize a sense of community and democracy where the student's voice is heard in resolutions that aim to mitigate and assess the status of academics, student life, and mental health for the sophomore class.

Furthermore, my previous experiences advising group financials have given me a solid foundation to effectively create valuable events for the class year using the $500 budget. For instance, I organized the successful Food 4 Finals event last semester, where we distributed various snacks and drinks to make studying for finals less stressful. My participation in the Senate has also equipped me with financial literacy and an understanding of the processes and rules within Senate sessions. This experience makes it easier to identify the most practical way to introduce resolutions and amendments to my co-senators. My goal is to take what I've learned, continue learning, and apply it with the guiding principles of providing an excellent space for the success of sophomores and solidifying their position in the Senate and SGA.

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